James Quinlan, Ph.D.
Improving Healthcare Outcomes
“In God we trust, all others bring data.” - W. Edwards Deming
“Data mining is not about finding the right answers, it’s about asking the right questions.” - Anonymous
“Data mining is the process of finding needles in haystacks, and then finding the other needles that are hidden in those needles.” - Anonymous
“You didn’t know? You better call somebody!” - Road Dogg, WWE
Items are denoted by \(\mathcal{I} = \{i_1, i_2, \dots, i_n \}\) and transactions (a.k.a. events, observations, records) as \(T = \{t_1, t_2, \dots, t_N\}\) where \(N > n\) and \(N \gg 1\).
Itemset is any group of one or more items, also called basket or cart.
Frequent item set is an itemset that meets (some) criteria.
Let \(X\) be a subset of items, then the support count is the number of transactions containing \(X\). \[ \large{ \sigma(X) = | \{t_i | X \subset t_i \in T \}| } \]
Association Rule is an implication of the form \(X \Rightarrow Y\) where \(X \cap Y = \emptyset\).
The following measure the strength of an association or frequency of an itemset.
Confidence how frequently items in \(Y\) appears in transactions that contain
C(X \Rightarrow Y) = \frac{\sigma(X \cup Y)}{\sigma(X)}
Lift (Brin et al., 1997), ratio of combined support from expected independence \[ \large{ L(X \Rightarrow Y) = \frac{ N \sigma(X \cup Y)}{\sigma(X) \cdot \sigma(Y)} = \frac{C(X,Y)}{S(Y)} } \]
1 | Milk | Eggs | Diapers | Beer |
2 | Milk | Diapers | ||
3 | Eggs | Diapers | Beer | |
4 | Milk | Eggs | ||
5 | Milk | Diapers | Beer |
Consider the transaction database with \(X = \{ \text{Diapers} \}\) and \(Y = \{\text{Beer}\}\).
tid | Milk | Eggs | Diapers | Beer |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
2 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
3 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
4 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
5 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Frequent item set is an itemset that meets minimum support criteria.
Given \(d\) items, exclude the \(0\) element set and the \(d\) element set.
For each subset \(k\)-element subset \(X\), we consider the \(d-k\) element subsets \(Y\). \[ \sum_{k = 1}^{d-1} \binom{d}{k} \sum_{i = 1}^{d-k} \binom{d-k}{i} = 3^d - 2^{d+1} + 1 \]
Brute force is computationally prohibitive
Subset reduction needed
\(\mathcal{P}(\{ a, b, c, d \})\)
Suppose \(a\) is infrequent
\(a\) and its supersets
Prune those (infrequent) itemsets
All frequent itemsets are a subset of the maximal itemsets.Definition - A frequent itemset is maximal if none of its immediate supersets are frequent.
Definition - An itemset \(X\) is closed if none of its immediate supersets has exactly the same support count as \(X\). An itemset is a closed frequent itemset if it is closed and its support is greater than or equal to minimum support.
Closed itemsets
- Mining Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets
- Visualize Association RulesarulesSequences
- Mining Frequent Sequencestidyverse
- Tidy ecosysteminspect
- display rules in readable formitemFrequency
- Frequency/Support for Single ItemsitemMatrix
- building block for transactionsapriori
- Mine frequent itemsets, association
- Mine frequent itemsets with the Eclat
- subclass of itemMatrix
Note: Data typically starts as a data.frame
or a
and needs to be prepared before it can be converted
into transactions## [1] "transactions"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "arules"
## items
## 1 {citrus fruit,semi-finished bread,margarine,ready soups}
## 2 {tropical fruit,yogurt,coffee}
## 3 {whole milk}
## 4 {pip fruit,yogurt,cream cheese ,meat spreads}
## 5 {other vegetables,whole milk,condensed milk,long life bakery product}
## 6 {whole milk,butter,yogurt,rice,abrasive cleaner}
## 7 {rolls/buns}
## 8 {other vegetables,UHT-milk,rolls/buns,bottled beer,liquor (appetizer)}
## 9 {pot plants}
## 10 {whole milk,cereals}
freqItems <- apriori(Groceries,
parameter = list(
supp = 0.01,
conf = 0.5,
target = "frequent itemsets",
minlen = 3,
maxlen = 5)
## Apriori
## Parameter specification:
## confidence minval smax arem aval originalSupport maxtime support minlen
## NA 0.1 1 none FALSE TRUE 5 0.01 3
## maxlen target ext
## 5 frequent itemsets TRUE
## Algorithmic control:
## filter tree heap memopt load sort verbose
## Absolute minimum support count: 98
## set item appearances ...[0 item(s)] done [0.00s].
## set transactions ...[169 item(s), 9835 transaction(s)] done [0.00s].
## sorting and recoding items ... [88 item(s)] done [0.00s].
## creating transaction tree ... done [0.00s].
## checking subsets of size 1 2 3 4 done [0.00s].
## sorting transactions ... done [0.00s].
## writing ... [32 set(s)] done [0.00s].
## creating S4 object ... done [0.00s].
## items support count
## 1 {root vegetables,other vegetables,whole milk} 0.02318251 228
## 2 {other vegetables,whole milk,yogurt} 0.02226741 219
## 3 {other vegetables,whole milk,rolls/buns} 0.01789527 176
## 4 {tropical fruit,other vegetables,whole milk} 0.01708185 168
## 5 {whole milk,yogurt,rolls/buns} 0.01555669 153
## 6 {tropical fruit,whole milk,yogurt} 0.01514997 149
## 7 {other vegetables,whole milk,whipped/sour cream} 0.01464159 144
## 8 {root vegetables,whole milk,yogurt} 0.01453991 143
## 9 {other vegetables,whole milk,soda} 0.01392984 137
## 10 {pip fruit,other vegetables,whole milk} 0.01352313 133
rules <- apriori(Groceries,
parameter = list(
supp = 0.01,
conf = 0.5,
target = "rules",
minlen = 1,
maxlen = 10)
## rules support confidence
## 1 {other vegetables,yogurt} => {whole milk} 0.02226741 0.5128806
## 2 {tropical fruit,yogurt} => {whole milk} 0.01514997 0.5173611
## 3 {other vegetables,whipped/sour cream} => {whole milk} 0.01464159 0.5070423
## 4 {root vegetables,yogurt} => {whole milk} 0.01453991 0.5629921
## 5 {pip fruit,other vegetables} => {whole milk} 0.01352313 0.5175097
## 6 {root vegetables,yogurt} => {other vegetables} 0.01291307 0.5000000
## coverage lift count
## 1 0.04341637 2.007235 219
## 2 0.02928317 2.024770 149
## 3 0.02887646 1.984385 144
## 4 0.02582613 2.203354 143
## 5 0.02613116 2.025351 133
## 6 0.02582613 2.584078 127
## set of 15 rules
## rule length distribution (lhs + rhs):sizes
## 3
## 15
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 3 3 3 3 3 3
## summary of quality measures:
## support confidence coverage lift
## Min. :0.01007 Min. :0.5000 Min. :0.01729 Min. :1.984
## 1st Qu.:0.01174 1st Qu.:0.5151 1st Qu.:0.02089 1st Qu.:2.036
## Median :0.01230 Median :0.5245 Median :0.02430 Median :2.203
## Mean :0.01316 Mean :0.5411 Mean :0.02454 Mean :2.299
## 3rd Qu.:0.01403 3rd Qu.:0.5718 3rd Qu.:0.02598 3rd Qu.:2.432
## Max. :0.02227 Max. :0.5862 Max. :0.04342 Max. :3.030
## count
## Min. : 99.0
## 1st Qu.:115.5
## Median :121.0
## Mean :129.4
## 3rd Qu.:138.0
## Max. :219.0
## mining info:
## data ntransactions support confidence
## Groceries 9835 0.01 0.5
## call
## apriori(data = Groceries, parameter = list(supp = 0.01, conf = 0.5, target = "rules", minlen = 1, maxlen = 10))
## lhs rhs support
## [1] {curd, yogurt} => {whole milk} 0.01006609
## [2] {other vegetables, butter} => {whole milk} 0.01148958
## [3] {other vegetables, domestic eggs} => {whole milk} 0.01230300
## [4] {yogurt, whipped/sour cream} => {whole milk} 0.01087951
## [5] {other vegetables, whipped/sour cream} => {whole milk} 0.01464159
## [6] {pip fruit, other vegetables} => {whole milk} 0.01352313
## [7] {citrus fruit, root vegetables} => {other vegetables} 0.01037112
## [8] {tropical fruit, root vegetables} => {other vegetables} 0.01230300
## [9] {tropical fruit, root vegetables} => {whole milk} 0.01199797
## [10] {tropical fruit, yogurt} => {whole milk} 0.01514997
## confidence coverage lift count
## [1] 0.5823529 0.01728521 2.279125 99
## [2] 0.5736041 0.02003050 2.244885 113
## [3] 0.5525114 0.02226741 2.162336 121
## [4] 0.5245098 0.02074225 2.052747 107
## [5] 0.5070423 0.02887646 1.984385 144
## [6] 0.5175097 0.02613116 2.025351 133
## [7] 0.5862069 0.01769192 3.029608 102
## [8] 0.5845411 0.02104728 3.020999 121
## [9] 0.5700483 0.02104728 2.230969 118
## [10] 0.5173611 0.02928317 2.024770 149
1.5-2Visualizing Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets
plot(rules, method="graph")
package for graph and network
visualizationsMining frequent sequential patterns with the cSPADE algorithm
# create binary matrix of items
data <- data.frame(sequenceID = as.factor(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4)),
eventID = as.factor(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3)),
A = c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1),
B = c(0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0),
C = c(1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
D = c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0),
E = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0),
F = c(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1),
G = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0),
H = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1))
db <- pivot_longer(data, cols = c(3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)) %>% filter(value > 0)
sequences <- db %>%
group_by(sequenceID, eventID) %>%
SIZE = n(),
items = paste(as.character(name), collapse = ';')
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'sequenceID'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.
names(sequences) = c("sequenceID", "eventID", "SIZE", "items")
sequences <- data.frame(lapply(sequences, as.factor))
sequences <- sequences[order(sequences$sequenceID, sequences$eventID),]
# Convert to transaction matrix data type
write.table(sequences, "seqs.txt", sep=";", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
trans_matrix <- read_baskets("seqs.txt", sep = ";", info = c("sequenceID","eventID","SIZE"))
## set of 7 sequences with
## most frequent items:
## A B F (Other)
## 4 4 4 4
## most frequent elements:
## {A} {B} {F} {A,F} {B,F} (Other)
## 1 1 1 1 1 2
## element (sequence) size distribution:
## sizes
## 1
## 7
## sequence length distribution:
## lengths
## 1 2 3
## 3 3 1
## summary of quality measures:
## support
## Min. :0.7500
## 1st Qu.:0.7500
## Median :1.0000
## Mean :0.8929
## 3rd Qu.:1.0000
## Max. :1.0000
## includes transaction ID lists: FALSE
## mining info:
## data ntransactions nsequences support
## trans_matrix 9 4 0.6
## sequence support
## 1 <{A}> 1.00
## 2 <{B}> 1.00
## 3 <{F}> 1.00
## 4 <{A,F}> 1.00
## 5 <{B,F}> 0.75
## 6 <{A,B,F}> 0.75
## 7 <{A,B}> 0.75
# read data
raw = read_csv('nas.csv', show_col_types = FALSE)
# clean
tidset = raw %>% mutate(Tremors = tremors_disturbed + tremors_undisturbed) %>%
select(-c(tid, bid, oid, nas, num_items, tremors_disturbed, tremors_undisturbed, Tremors, tone))
## excoriations myoclonic_jerks cry sleep moro
## 0.144866385 0.004018485 0.179827205 0.355234077 0.137030340
## sweat yawn mottling stuffiness sneeze
## 0.016073940 0.021097046 0.301185453 0.117942536 0.215993570
## nasal_flaring fever respirations sucking feeding
## 0.012256379 0.199718706 0.223226843 0.156519992 0.235081374
## vomit stool
## 0.119750854 0.208157525
itemsets = apriori(transactions, parameter = list(supp = 0.03,
conf = 0.7,
minlen = 3,
target = "maximally frequent itemsets")
## items support count
## [1] {excoriations, sleep, mottling} 0.03054049 152
## [2] {cry, respirations, sucking} 0.03576452 178
## [3] {cry, sleep, sucking} 0.04641350 231
## [4] {sleep, sneeze, sucking} 0.03275065 163
## [5] {sleep, respirations, sucking} 0.04098855 204
## [6] {cry, sleep, fever} 0.03275065 163
## [7] {sleep, sneeze, fever} 0.04139040 206
## [8] {sleep, fever, respirations} 0.04560981 227
## [9] {sleep, mottling, fever} 0.03475990 173
## [10] {cry, sleep, stool} 0.03154511 157
## [11] {sleep, sneeze, stool} 0.03335343 166
## [12] {sleep, respirations, stool} 0.03496082 174
## [13] {cry, sleep, feeding} 0.03134418 156
## [14] {cry, sleep, sneeze} 0.03737191 186
## [15] {cry, sleep, respirations} 0.05123568 255
## [16] {cry, sleep, mottling} 0.03596544 179
## [17] {sleep, sneeze, feeding} 0.03033956 151
## [18] {sleep, sneeze, respirations} 0.04741812 236
## [19] {sleep, mottling, sneeze} 0.03757284 187
## [20] {sleep, mottling, respirations} 0.03697006 184
# Generate and Prune ASSOCIATION RULES
rules <- apriori(transactions, parameter = list(supp = 0.01,
conf = 0.70,
minlen = 1,
maxlen = 5,
target = "rules")
sortedRules <- sort(rules, by="lift", decreasing=TRUE)
## set of 42 rules
## rule length distribution (lhs + rhs):sizes
## 3 4 5
## 5 36 1
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
## 3.000 4.000 4.000 3.905 4.000 5.000
## summary of quality measures:
## support confidence coverage lift
## Min. :0.01005 Min. :0.7033 Min. :0.01125 Min. :1.980
## 1st Qu.:0.01160 1st Qu.:0.7201 1st Qu.:0.01507 1st Qu.:2.027
## Median :0.01366 Median :0.7489 Median :0.01849 Median :2.141
## Mean :0.01598 Mean :0.7659 Mean :0.02103 Mean :2.234
## 3rd Qu.:0.01703 3rd Qu.:0.7865 3rd Qu.:0.02270 3rd Qu.:2.239
## Max. :0.03737 Max. :0.9107 Max. :0.04842 Max. :4.078
## count
## Min. : 50.00
## 1st Qu.: 57.75
## Median : 68.00
## Mean : 79.55
## 3rd Qu.: 84.75
## Max. :186.00
## mining info:
## data ntransactions support confidence
## transactions 4977 0.01 0.7
## call
## apriori(data = transactions, parameter = list(supp = 0.01, conf = 0.7, minlen = 1, maxlen = 5, target = "rules"))
## lhs rhs support confidence
## [1] {respirations, sucking, feeding} => {cry} 0.01105083 0.7333333
## [2] {cry, fever, stool} => {respirations} 0.01004621 0.7462687
## [3] {cry, sneeze, fever, respirations} => {sleep} 0.01024714 0.9107143
## [4] {cry, sneeze, fever} => {sleep} 0.01547117 0.9058824
## [5] {excoriations, cry, respirations} => {sleep} 0.01205546 0.8955224
## [6] {cry, mottling, sneeze} => {sleep} 0.01326100 0.8684211
## [7] {sneeze, fever, sucking} => {sleep} 0.01366285 0.8607595
## [8] {excoriations, cry, sucking} => {sleep} 0.01084991 0.8437500
## [9] {cry, sneeze, respirations} => {sleep} 0.01928873 0.8205128
## [10] {excoriations, cry, mottling} => {sleep} 0.01004621 0.8064516
## coverage lift count
## [1] 0.01506932 4.077989 55
## [2] 0.01346192 3.343096 50
## [3] 0.01125176 2.563702 51
## [4] 0.01707856 2.550100 77
## [5] 0.01346192 2.520936 60
## [6] 0.01527024 2.444645 66
## [7] 0.01587302 2.423077 68
## [8] 0.01285915 2.375194 54
## [9] 0.02350814 2.309781 96
## [10] 0.01245730 2.270198 50
seqDB <- raw %>% mutate(sequenceID = bid, eventID = oid) %>%
select(-c(tid, bid, oid, nas, num_items, tremors_disturbed, tremors_undisturbed, tone))
seqDB <- pivot_longer(seqDB, c(1:17) ) %>% filter(value > 0)
sequences <- seqDB %>%
group_by(sequenceID, eventID) %>%
SIZE = n(),
items = paste(as.character(name), collapse = ';')
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'sequenceID'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.
write.table(sequences, "seqDB.txt", sep=";", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
seq_mat <- read_baskets("seqDB.txt", sep = ";", info = c("sequenceID","eventID","SIZE"))
s1 <- cspade(seq_mat, parameter = list(support = 0.4, maxsize = 5), control = list(verbose = TRUE))
# support: minimum support of a sequence (default 0.1).
# maxsize: (integer) max number of items of an element of a sequence (default 10).
# maxlen: (integer) max number of elements of a sequence (default 10).
# mingap: (integer) min time diff between consecutive elements of a sequence (default none, range >= 1).
# maxgap: (integer) max time diff between consecutive elements of a sequence (default none).
# maxwin: (integer) max time diff between any two elements of a sequence (default none.
## set of 30943 sequences with
## most frequent items:
## sleep sneeze fever respirations stool (Other)
## 28271 17044 15417 11055 6928 15716
## most frequent elements:
## {sleep} {sneeze} {fever} {respirations} {stool}
## 25124 14124 12874 8052 5980
## (Other)
## 31648
## element (sequence) size distribution:
## sizes
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
## 75 818 3448 7437 8946 6422 2809 796 169 23
## sequence length distribution:
## lengths
## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
## 13 199 1323 4560 8189 8931 5518 1806 369 35
## summary of quality measures:
## support
## Min. :0.4012
## 1st Qu.:0.4128
## Median :0.4360
## Mean :0.4521
## 3rd Qu.:0.4709
## Max. :1.0000
## includes transaction ID lists: FALSE
## mining info:
## data ntransactions nsequences support
## seq_mat 4377 172 0.4
## sequence support
## 1 <{sleep}> 1.0000000
## 2 <{sleep},{sleep}> 0.9941860
## 3 <{sleep},{sleep},{sleep}> 0.9651163
## 4 <{sneeze}> 0.9302326
## 5 <{fever}> 0.9127907
## 6 <{sleep},{sneeze}> 0.9069767
## 7 <{sleep},{sleep},{sleep},{sleep}> 0.9069767
## 8 <{fever},{sleep}> 0.9011628
## 9 <{sneeze},{sleep}> 0.8953488
## 10 <{stool}> 0.8837209
## 11 <{sleep},{sleep},{sneeze}> 0.8779070
## 12 <{respirations}> 0.8662791
## 13 <{sleep},{stool}> 0.8662791
## 14 <{sneeze},{sleep},{sleep}> 0.8662791
## 15 <{fever},{sleep},{sleep}> 0.8662791
## 16 <{sleep},{sleep},{sleep},{sleep},{sleep}> 0.8546512
## 17 <{cry}> 0.8430233
## 18 <{sleep},{sleep},{stool}> 0.8430233
## 19 <{fever},{sneeze}> 0.8430233
## 20 <{sneeze},{sneeze}> 0.8430233
## 21 <{sleep,sneeze}> 0.8372093
## 22 <{stool},{sleep}> 0.8372093
## 23 <{sleep},{sneeze},{sleep}> 0.8372093
## 24 <{fever},{sleep},{sleep},{sleep}> 0.8313953
## 25 <{sleep},{fever}> 0.8313953
## 26 <{respirations},{sleep}> 0.8255814
## 27 <{sleep},{respirations}> 0.8255814
## 28 <{sneeze},{sleep},{sleep},{sleep}> 0.8197674
## 29 <{cry},{sleep}> 0.8139535
## 30 <{sleep},{sleep},{sleep},{sneeze}> 0.8081395
# Get induced temporal rules from frequent itemsets
r1 <- as(ruleInduction(s1, confidence = 0.9, control = list(verbose = TRUE)), "data.frame")
## rule support
## 226 <{respirations},{sleep},{sleep},{sucking}> => <{sucking}> 0.4418605
## 266 <{respirations},{sleep},{respirations},{sucking}> => <{sucking}> 0.4011628
## 1338 <{stool}> => <{stool}> 0.7965116
## 1376 <{stool,sucking}> => <{stool}> 0.4011628
## 1436 <{stool},{stool}> => <{stool}> 0.7267442
## 1441 <{sleep,stool}> => <{stool}> 0.6279070
## confidence lift
## 226 0.9156627 1.175328
## 266 0.9078947 1.165357
## 1338 0.9013158 1.019910
## 1376 0.9200000 1.041053
## 1436 0.9124088 1.032463
## 1441 0.9000000 1.018421