Frequent Symptom Mining

James Quinlan, Ph.D.

Improving Healthcare Outcomes




Background of the Problem

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)

Finnigan NAS Score (FNASS)


Research Team

Background of the Method

Itemset & Rule Mining



Measures of Strength and Interest

The following measure the strength of an association or frequency of an itemset.


1 Milk Eggs Diapers Beer
2 Milk Diapers
3 Eggs Diapers Beer
4 Milk Eggs
5 Milk Diapers Beer

Consider the transaction database with \(X = \{ \text{Diapers} \}\) and \(Y = \{\text{Beer}\}\).

Binary Database

tid Milk Eggs Diapers Beer
1 1 1 1 1
2 1 0 1 0
3 0 1 1 1
4 1 1 0 0
5 1 0 1 1

Rule Mining / Itemset Selection

Aprior Algorithm

\(\mathcal{P}(\{ a, b, c, d \})\)

Suppose \(a\) is infrequent

\(a\) and its supersets

Prune those (infrequent) itemsets

Compact representations

Definition - A frequent itemset is maximal if none of its immediate supersets are frequent.

All frequent itemsets are a subset of the maximal itemsets.

Compact representations (cont)

Definition - An itemset \(X\) is closed if none of its immediate supersets has exactly the same support count as \(X\). An itemset is a closed frequent itemset if it is closed and its support is greater than or equal to minimum support.

Closed itemsets

Compact Representation Diagram

R packages

R packages

Install and Load

# install.packages("tidyverse")
# install.packages("arules")
# install.packages("arulesViz")
# install.packages("arulesSequences")


aRules 1.7-5


# Load Example Data (from aRules package)
## [1] "transactions"
## attr(,"package")
## [1] "arules"

head(as(Groceries, "data.frame"), 10)
##                                                                     items
## 1                {citrus fruit,semi-finished bread,margarine,ready soups}
## 2                                          {tropical fruit,yogurt,coffee}
## 3                                                            {whole milk}
## 4                           {pip fruit,yogurt,cream cheese ,meat spreads}
## 5   {other vegetables,whole milk,condensed milk,long life bakery product}
## 6                        {whole milk,butter,yogurt,rice,abrasive cleaner}
## 7                                                            {rolls/buns}
## 8  {other vegetables,UHT-milk,rolls/buns,bottled beer,liquor (appetizer)}
## 9                                                            {pot plants}
## 10                                                   {whole milk,cereals}

freqItems <- apriori(Groceries, 
                 parameter = list(
                   supp   = 0.01, 
                   conf   = 0.5, 
                   target = "frequent itemsets", 
                   minlen = 3, 
                   maxlen = 5)
## Apriori
## Parameter specification:
##  confidence minval smax arem  aval originalSupport maxtime support minlen
##          NA    0.1    1 none FALSE            TRUE       5    0.01      3
##  maxlen            target  ext
##       5 frequent itemsets TRUE
## Algorithmic control:
##  filter tree heap memopt load sort verbose
##     0.1 TRUE TRUE  FALSE TRUE    2    TRUE
## Absolute minimum support count: 98 
## set item appearances ...[0 item(s)] done [0.00s].
## set transactions ...[169 item(s), 9835 transaction(s)] done [0.00s].
## sorting and recoding items ... [88 item(s)] done [0.00s].
## creating transaction tree ... done [0.00s].
## checking subsets of size 1 2 3 4 done [0.00s].
## sorting transactions ... done [0.00s].
## writing ... [32 set(s)] done [0.00s].
## creating S4 object  ... done [0.00s].

head(as(freqItems,"data.frame") %>% arrange(desc(count)),10)
##                                               items    support count
## 1     {root vegetables,other vegetables,whole milk} 0.02318251   228
## 2              {other vegetables,whole milk,yogurt} 0.02226741   219
## 3          {other vegetables,whole milk,rolls/buns} 0.01789527   176
## 4      {tropical fruit,other vegetables,whole milk} 0.01708185   168
## 5                    {whole milk,yogurt,rolls/buns} 0.01555669   153
## 6                {tropical fruit,whole milk,yogurt} 0.01514997   149
## 7  {other vegetables,whole milk,whipped/sour cream} 0.01464159   144
## 8               {root vegetables,whole milk,yogurt} 0.01453991   143
## 9                {other vegetables,whole milk,soda} 0.01392984   137
## 10          {pip fruit,other vegetables,whole milk} 0.01352313   133

rules <- apriori(Groceries, 
                 parameter = list(
                   supp   = 0.01, 
                   conf   = 0.5, 
                   target = "rules", 
                   minlen = 1, 
                   maxlen = 10)
head(as(rules,"data.frame") %>% arrange(desc(count)))
##                                                   rules    support confidence
## 1             {other vegetables,yogurt} => {whole milk} 0.02226741  0.5128806
## 2               {tropical fruit,yogurt} => {whole milk} 0.01514997  0.5173611
## 3 {other vegetables,whipped/sour cream} => {whole milk} 0.01464159  0.5070423
## 4              {root vegetables,yogurt} => {whole milk} 0.01453991  0.5629921
## 5          {pip fruit,other vegetables} => {whole milk} 0.01352313  0.5175097
## 6        {root vegetables,yogurt} => {other vegetables} 0.01291307  0.5000000
##     coverage     lift count
## 1 0.04341637 2.007235   219
## 2 0.02928317 2.024770   149
## 3 0.02887646 1.984385   144
## 4 0.02582613 2.203354   143
## 5 0.02613116 2.025351   133
## 6 0.02582613 2.584078   127

## set of 15 rules
## rule length distribution (lhs + rhs):sizes
##  3 
## 15 
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##       3       3       3       3       3       3 
## summary of quality measures:
##     support          confidence        coverage            lift      
##  Min.   :0.01007   Min.   :0.5000   Min.   :0.01729   Min.   :1.984  
##  1st Qu.:0.01174   1st Qu.:0.5151   1st Qu.:0.02089   1st Qu.:2.036  
##  Median :0.01230   Median :0.5245   Median :0.02430   Median :2.203  
##  Mean   :0.01316   Mean   :0.5411   Mean   :0.02454   Mean   :2.299  
##  3rd Qu.:0.01403   3rd Qu.:0.5718   3rd Qu.:0.02598   3rd Qu.:2.432  
##  Max.   :0.02227   Max.   :0.5862   Max.   :0.04342   Max.   :3.030  
##      count      
##  Min.   : 99.0  
##  1st Qu.:115.5  
##  Median :121.0  
##  Mean   :129.4  
##  3rd Qu.:138.0  
##  Max.   :219.0  
## mining info:
##       data ntransactions support confidence
##  Groceries          9835    0.01        0.5
##                                                                                                             call
##  apriori(data = Groceries, parameter = list(supp = 0.01, conf = 0.5, target = "rules", minlen = 1, maxlen = 10))

inspect(rules[1:10], by ="lift")
##      lhs                                       rhs                support   
## [1]  {curd, yogurt}                         => {whole milk}       0.01006609
## [2]  {other vegetables, butter}             => {whole milk}       0.01148958
## [3]  {other vegetables, domestic eggs}      => {whole milk}       0.01230300
## [4]  {yogurt, whipped/sour cream}           => {whole milk}       0.01087951
## [5]  {other vegetables, whipped/sour cream} => {whole milk}       0.01464159
## [6]  {pip fruit, other vegetables}          => {whole milk}       0.01352313
## [7]  {citrus fruit, root vegetables}        => {other vegetables} 0.01037112
## [8]  {tropical fruit, root vegetables}      => {other vegetables} 0.01230300
## [9]  {tropical fruit, root vegetables}      => {whole milk}       0.01199797
## [10] {tropical fruit, yogurt}               => {whole milk}       0.01514997
##      confidence coverage   lift     count
## [1]  0.5823529  0.01728521 2.279125  99  
## [2]  0.5736041  0.02003050 2.244885 113  
## [3]  0.5525114  0.02226741 2.162336 121  
## [4]  0.5245098  0.02074225 2.052747 107  
## [5]  0.5070423  0.02887646 1.984385 144  
## [6]  0.5175097  0.02613116 2.025351 133  
## [7]  0.5862069  0.01769192 3.029608 102  
## [8]  0.5845411  0.02104728 3.020999 121  
## [9]  0.5700483  0.02104728 2.230969 118  
## [10] 0.5173611  0.02928317 2.024770 149

arulesViz 1.5-2

Visualizing Association Rules and Frequent Itemsets

plot(rules[1:10], method = "graph")

Frequent Sequences

Mining frequent sequential patterns with the cSPADE algorithm

# create binary matrix of items
data <- data.frame(sequenceID = as.factor(c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4)),
                   eventID = as.factor(c(1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3)),
                   A = c(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1),
                   B = c(0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0),
                   C = c(1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                   D = c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0),
                   E = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0),
                   F = c(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1),
                   G = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0),
                   H = c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1))

db <- pivot_longer(data, cols = c(3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)) %>% filter(value > 0)

sequences <- db %>%
  group_by(sequenceID, eventID) %>%
    SIZE = n(),
    items = paste(as.character(name), collapse = ';')
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'sequenceID'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.
names(sequences) = c("sequenceID", "eventID", "SIZE", "items")

sequences <- data.frame(lapply(sequences, as.factor))
sequences <- sequences[order(sequences$sequenceID, sequences$eventID),]

# Convert to transaction matrix data type
write.table(sequences, "seqs.txt", sep=";", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
trans_matrix <- read_baskets("seqs.txt", sep = ";", info = c("sequenceID","eventID","SIZE"))

s1 <- cspade(trans_matrix, parameter = list(support = 0.6, maxlen=5), control = list(verbose = TRUE))

## set of 7 sequences with
## most frequent items:
##       A       B       F (Other) 
##       4       4       4       4 
## most frequent elements:
##     {A}     {B}     {F}   {A,F}   {B,F} (Other) 
##       1       1       1       1       1       2 
## element (sequence) size distribution:
## sizes
## 1 
## 7 
## sequence length distribution:
## lengths
## 1 2 3 
## 3 3 1 
## summary of quality measures:
##     support      
##  Min.   :0.7500  
##  1st Qu.:0.7500  
##  Median :1.0000  
##  Mean   :0.8929  
##  3rd Qu.:1.0000  
##  Max.   :1.0000  
## includes transaction ID lists: FALSE 
## mining info:
##          data ntransactions nsequences support
##  trans_matrix             9          4     0.6

s1.df <- as(s1, "data.frame")
##    sequence support
## 1     <{A}>    1.00
## 2     <{B}>    1.00
## 3     <{F}>    1.00
## 4   <{A,F}>    1.00
## 5   <{B,F}>    0.75
## 6 <{A,B,F}>    0.75
## 7   <{A,B}>    0.75



Symptom Mining

Symptom Mining

# read data
raw = read_csv('nas.csv', show_col_types = FALSE)

# clean
tidset = raw %>% mutate(Tremors = tremors_disturbed + tremors_undisturbed) %>%
          select(-c(tid, bid, oid, nas, num_items, tremors_disturbed, tremors_undisturbed, Tremors, tone))
# df --> binary matrix --> transactions
transactions = as(ifelse(tidset > 0, 1, 0), "transactions")
##    excoriations myoclonic_jerks             cry           sleep            moro 
##     0.144866385     0.004018485     0.179827205     0.355234077     0.137030340 
##           sweat            yawn        mottling      stuffiness          sneeze 
##     0.016073940     0.021097046     0.301185453     0.117942536     0.215993570 
##   nasal_flaring           fever    respirations         sucking         feeding 
##     0.012256379     0.199718706     0.223226843     0.156519992     0.235081374 
##           vomit           stool 
##     0.119750854     0.208157525

# Frequency Plots

Frequent Itemsets

itemsets =  apriori(transactions, parameter = list(supp   = 0.03, 
                                                   conf   = 0.7,  
                                                   minlen = 3, 
                                                   target = "maximally frequent itemsets")
inspect(itemsets, by = "lift")
##      items                           support    count
## [1]  {excoriations, sleep, mottling} 0.03054049 152  
## [2]  {cry, respirations, sucking}    0.03576452 178  
## [3]  {cry, sleep, sucking}           0.04641350 231  
## [4]  {sleep, sneeze, sucking}        0.03275065 163  
## [5]  {sleep, respirations, sucking}  0.04098855 204  
## [6]  {cry, sleep, fever}             0.03275065 163  
## [7]  {sleep, sneeze, fever}          0.04139040 206  
## [8]  {sleep, fever, respirations}    0.04560981 227  
## [9]  {sleep, mottling, fever}        0.03475990 173  
## [10] {cry, sleep, stool}             0.03154511 157  
## [11] {sleep, sneeze, stool}          0.03335343 166  
## [12] {sleep, respirations, stool}    0.03496082 174  
## [13] {cry, sleep, feeding}           0.03134418 156  
## [14] {cry, sleep, sneeze}            0.03737191 186  
## [15] {cry, sleep, respirations}      0.05123568 255  
## [16] {cry, sleep, mottling}          0.03596544 179  
## [17] {sleep, sneeze, feeding}        0.03033956 151  
## [18] {sleep, sneeze, respirations}   0.04741812 236  
## [19] {sleep, mottling, sneeze}       0.03757284 187  
## [20] {sleep, mottling, respirations} 0.03697006 184

Frequent Rules

# Generate and Prune ASSOCIATION RULES
rules <- apriori(transactions, parameter = list(supp = 0.01, 
                                               conf = 0.70, 
                                               minlen = 1, 
                                               maxlen = 5, 
                                               target = "rules")
sortedRules <- sort(rules, by="lift", decreasing=TRUE)
## set of 42 rules
## rule length distribution (lhs + rhs):sizes
##  3  4  5 
##  5 36  1 
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   3.000   4.000   4.000   3.905   4.000   5.000 
## summary of quality measures:
##     support          confidence        coverage            lift      
##  Min.   :0.01005   Min.   :0.7033   Min.   :0.01125   Min.   :1.980  
##  1st Qu.:0.01160   1st Qu.:0.7201   1st Qu.:0.01507   1st Qu.:2.027  
##  Median :0.01366   Median :0.7489   Median :0.01849   Median :2.141  
##  Mean   :0.01598   Mean   :0.7659   Mean   :0.02103   Mean   :2.234  
##  3rd Qu.:0.01703   3rd Qu.:0.7865   3rd Qu.:0.02270   3rd Qu.:2.239  
##  Max.   :0.03737   Max.   :0.9107   Max.   :0.04842   Max.   :4.078  
##      count       
##  Min.   : 50.00  
##  1st Qu.: 57.75  
##  Median : 68.00  
##  Mean   : 79.55  
##  3rd Qu.: 84.75  
##  Max.   :186.00  
## mining info:
##          data ntransactions support confidence
##  transactions          4977    0.01        0.7
##                                                                                                               call
##  apriori(data = transactions, parameter = list(supp = 0.01, conf = 0.7, minlen = 1, maxlen = 5, target = "rules"))

##      lhs                                   rhs            support    confidence
## [1]  {respirations, sucking, feeding}   => {cry}          0.01105083 0.7333333 
## [2]  {cry, fever, stool}                => {respirations} 0.01004621 0.7462687 
## [3]  {cry, sneeze, fever, respirations} => {sleep}        0.01024714 0.9107143 
## [4]  {cry, sneeze, fever}               => {sleep}        0.01547117 0.9058824 
## [5]  {excoriations, cry, respirations}  => {sleep}        0.01205546 0.8955224 
## [6]  {cry, mottling, sneeze}            => {sleep}        0.01326100 0.8684211 
## [7]  {sneeze, fever, sucking}           => {sleep}        0.01366285 0.8607595 
## [8]  {excoriations, cry, sucking}       => {sleep}        0.01084991 0.8437500 
## [9]  {cry, sneeze, respirations}        => {sleep}        0.01928873 0.8205128 
## [10] {excoriations, cry, mottling}      => {sleep}        0.01004621 0.8064516 
##      coverage   lift     count
## [1]  0.01506932 4.077989 55   
## [2]  0.01346192 3.343096 50   
## [3]  0.01125176 2.563702 51   
## [4]  0.01707856 2.550100 77   
## [5]  0.01346192 2.520936 60   
## [6]  0.01527024 2.444645 66   
## [7]  0.01587302 2.423077 68   
## [8]  0.01285915 2.375194 54   
## [9]  0.02350814 2.309781 96   
## [10] 0.01245730 2.270198 50

plot(sortedRules[1:10], method="graph")

Frequent Symptom Sequences

seqDB <- raw %>% mutate(sequenceID = bid, eventID = oid) %>%
          select(-c(tid, bid, oid, nas, num_items, tremors_disturbed, tremors_undisturbed, tone))
seqDB <- pivot_longer(seqDB, c(1:17) ) %>% filter(value > 0)

sequences <- seqDB %>%
  group_by(sequenceID, eventID) %>%
    SIZE = n(),
    items = paste(as.character(name), collapse = ';')
## `summarise()` has grouped output by 'sequenceID'. You can override using the
## `.groups` argument.
names(sequences) = c("sequenceID", "eventID", "SIZE", "items")
sequences <- data.frame(lapply(sequences, as.factor))
sequences <- sequences[order(sequences$sequenceID, sequences$eventID),]

write.table(sequences, "seqDB.txt", sep=";", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
seq_mat <- read_baskets("seqDB.txt", sep = ";", info = c("sequenceID","eventID","SIZE"))

s1 <- cspade(seq_mat, parameter = list(support = 0.4, maxsize = 5), control = list(verbose = TRUE))
# support: minimum support of a sequence (default 0.1).
# maxsize: (integer) max number of items of an element of a sequence (default 10).
# maxlen: (integer) max number of elements of a sequence (default 10).
# mingap: (integer) min time diff between consecutive elements of a sequence (default none, range >= 1).
# maxgap: (integer) max time diff between consecutive elements of a sequence (default none).
# maxwin: (integer) max time diff between any two elements of a sequence (default none.

s1.df <- as(s1, "data.frame")
## set of 30943 sequences with
## most frequent items:
##        sleep       sneeze        fever respirations        stool      (Other) 
##        28271        17044        15417        11055         6928        15716 
## most frequent elements:
##        {sleep}       {sneeze}        {fever} {respirations}        {stool} 
##          25124          14124          12874           8052           5980 
##        (Other) 
##          31648 
## element (sequence) size distribution:
## sizes
##    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10 
##   75  818 3448 7437 8946 6422 2809  796  169   23 
## sequence length distribution:
## lengths
##    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10 
##   13  199 1323 4560 8189 8931 5518 1806  369   35 
## summary of quality measures:
##     support      
##  Min.   :0.4012  
##  1st Qu.:0.4128  
##  Median :0.4360  
##  Mean   :0.4521  
##  3rd Qu.:0.4709  
##  Max.   :1.0000  
## includes transaction ID lists: FALSE 
## mining info:
##     data ntransactions nsequences support
##  seq_mat          4377        172     0.4

head(arrange(s1.df, desc(support)),30)
##                                     sequence   support
## 1                                  <{sleep}> 1.0000000
## 2                          <{sleep},{sleep}> 0.9941860
## 3                  <{sleep},{sleep},{sleep}> 0.9651163
## 4                                 <{sneeze}> 0.9302326
## 5                                  <{fever}> 0.9127907
## 6                         <{sleep},{sneeze}> 0.9069767
## 7          <{sleep},{sleep},{sleep},{sleep}> 0.9069767
## 8                          <{fever},{sleep}> 0.9011628
## 9                         <{sneeze},{sleep}> 0.8953488
## 10                                 <{stool}> 0.8837209
## 11                <{sleep},{sleep},{sneeze}> 0.8779070
## 12                          <{respirations}> 0.8662791
## 13                         <{sleep},{stool}> 0.8662791
## 14                <{sneeze},{sleep},{sleep}> 0.8662791
## 15                 <{fever},{sleep},{sleep}> 0.8662791
## 16 <{sleep},{sleep},{sleep},{sleep},{sleep}> 0.8546512
## 17                                   <{cry}> 0.8430233
## 18                 <{sleep},{sleep},{stool}> 0.8430233
## 19                        <{fever},{sneeze}> 0.8430233
## 20                       <{sneeze},{sneeze}> 0.8430233
## 21                          <{sleep,sneeze}> 0.8372093
## 22                         <{stool},{sleep}> 0.8372093
## 23                <{sleep},{sneeze},{sleep}> 0.8372093
## 24         <{fever},{sleep},{sleep},{sleep}> 0.8313953
## 25                         <{sleep},{fever}> 0.8313953
## 26                  <{respirations},{sleep}> 0.8255814
## 27                  <{sleep},{respirations}> 0.8255814
## 28        <{sneeze},{sleep},{sleep},{sleep}> 0.8197674
## 29                           <{cry},{sleep}> 0.8139535
## 30        <{sleep},{sleep},{sleep},{sneeze}> 0.8081395

# Get induced temporal rules from frequent itemsets
r1 <- as(ruleInduction(s1, confidence = 0.9, control = list(verbose = TRUE)), "data.frame")
##                                                                  rule   support
## 226         <{respirations},{sleep},{sleep},{sucking}> => <{sucking}> 0.4418605
## 266  <{respirations},{sleep},{respirations},{sucking}> => <{sucking}> 0.4011628
## 1338                                           <{stool}> => <{stool}> 0.7965116
## 1376                                   <{stool,sucking}> => <{stool}> 0.4011628
## 1436                                   <{stool},{stool}> => <{stool}> 0.7267442
## 1441                                     <{sleep,stool}> => <{stool}> 0.6279070
##      confidence     lift
## 226   0.9156627 1.175328
## 266   0.9078947 1.165357
## 1338  0.9013158 1.019910
## 1376  0.9200000 1.041053
## 1436  0.9124088 1.032463
## 1441  0.9000000 1.018421